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Conference & Working Papers

These papers have been presented and discussed throughout the project's funding period.


Fleischer, Julia/Bertels, Jana/Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: The partisan nature of bureaucratic landscapes: Explaining structural changes in German ministries, PSA Annual Conference, April 10-12, Glasgow.

Bertels, Jana/Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: Ever more diverse? Exploring the internal structural dynamics of German federal portfolios, FoJuS Conference, May 23-24, Potsdam.

Bezes, Philippe/Fleischer, Julia/James, Oliver/Yesilkagit, Kutsal: The politics of ministerial design, SOG Workshop, June 6-8, Gothenburg.


Bertels, Jana/Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: Strukturelle Veränderungen in der Ministerialorganisation Deutschlands - am Beispiel des Krisenmanagements und der Selbstorganisation in zwei klassischen Ministerien von 1980 bis 2010, 9. FoJuS Jahrestagung, February 11 - 12, Hannover.

Bertels, Jana/Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: Internal structural dynamics of German federal portfolios: How do the ministry of the interior and the federal foreign office deal with complexity?, IPSA World Congress, July 23 - 28, Poznan.

Fleischer, Julia: The structure of western European governments: Coalition dynamics and critical junctures, SPSA Annual Meeting, January 05 - 08, San Juan.

Kuipers, Sanneke: Political volatility and agency duration, PMRC Conference, June 23, Aarhus.

Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: Structural responses after disaster: Subnational governments’ organisation for crisis management in Germany, IPSA World Congress, July 23 - 28, Poznan.


Fleischer, Julia: Organisationsdynamiken und Parteipolitik: Zur Ressortorganisation der deutschen Ministerialverwaltung, DVPW Kongress, September 21 - 25, Duisburg.

Fleischer, Julia: Policy agendas and bureaucratic structures in Germany: A longitudinal analysis in stability and change, Annual Conference of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), June 23 - 27, Lissabon.

Kuipers, Sanneke/ Yesilkagit, Kutsal/ Carroll, Brendan: Across the board: The survival of Dutch commodity and industrial boards, EGPA Annual Conference, August 24 - 28, Toulouse. 

Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: The structural dynamics of subnational governments’ organization in Germany –the case of disaster protection 2002-2015, EGPA PhD Symposium, August 24 - 26, Toulouse.

Schulze-Gabrechten, Lena: Strukturelle Organisationsveränderungen im Katastrophenschutz der Länder – Konvergenz oder Divergenz? Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion des Internationalen Instituts für Verwaltungswissenschaften, November 19 - 20, Hamburg.


Fleischer, Julia: The chicken-and-egg problem in executives: Bureaucratic policy agendas and portfolio organisation in Germany, Annual Conference of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), June 12 – 14, Konstanz.

Fleischer, Julia: The chicken-and-egg problem in executives: Bureaucratic policy agendas and portfolio organisation in Germany, EGPA Annual Conference, September 08 - 12, Speyer.

Fleischer, Julia: 'Wenn Du nicht mehr weiter weißt, dann gründe einen Arbeitskreis'? Zur Logik der Organisation von Expertengremien auf Bundesebene Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion des Internationalen Instituts für Verwaltungswissenschaften, November 24 - 25, Hannover.

Kuipers, Sanneke: Does adaptation or selection affect the survival of public organization?, SOG Conference, January 5 - 7, Jerusalem.